For Business Owner & Managers

Business owners and managers are focused on keeping their organizations functioning and growing. Our solutions can help you improve the bottom line by putting programs in place that help your organization retain key employees and attract new ones. MPA Benefits, inc. will help increase the real return on your most important investment - your investment in people.

Employew Benefit Programs – We can design and implement benefit packages for your key people that make sense and help you save money, too.

Voluntary Payroll Deduction Plans 

  • We help companies offer employees more choices
  • Employees appreciate the company stretching their buying power
  • There are no direct costs to the employer
  • Company manpower is not used in benefits enrollment
  • Benefits do not replace or disturb benefits currently in place
  • There is absolutely no government involvement or paperwork
  • Our programs keep employees feeling content and secure

Contact us today for more information.


